Saving you time…and money.
Personal tax season is a stressful time for Canadians. In order to help you submit your personal tax return successfully, we offer the following value added services:
- 1.Drop-off: You can email, courier, file-transfer online or personally drop off your personal tax information
- 2.Client copies: Convenient email to your inbox of your completed return information
- 3.Client portal: Secure online access to our client portal to upload personal tax documents and download your completed return
- 4.Electronic filing: All returns are electronically filed, allowing you to receive your refund within days of filing
- 5.Ongoing representation with the CRA: Any CRA follow ups or reviews are promptly and properly handled by us, allowing you peace of mind
- 6.In person preparation: Returns are done and filed in front of you – allowing you to know your refund or amount owing immediately (additional charges may apply)
All returns are prepared by qualified professional staff (C.A., C.P.A. or equivalent) with years of experience.
Personal tax services offered include:
- 1.Personal income tax planning
- 2.Personal tax preparation
- 3.Estate/trust planning
- 4.Retirement and succession management