
Not for Profit Organizations

United with a purpose Not-for-profits face a unique set of regulatory, financing, and tax challenges. Our advice and services include: Financial statement preparation including: compilation, review, and audit services. Tax return preparation and planning including GST and the Not-for-Profit and Charity tax returns as required in Canada. We can assist your organization with tax planning to...

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Public sector

Helping Albertans, Helping Canadians Alberta municipalities face the regulatory challenge of submitting annual audited financial statements to the Alberta Government each year. Throughout Alberta, we audit over 35 municipalities including Counties, Towns, Villages, and Summer Villages. Our services for our municipal clients include: Annual Audits in compliance with Canadian Auditing Standards and Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting...

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Non-Profit vs Charity

If you are wondering what the differences are or if your non-profit organization should apply for charitable status, please review the chart below for all the differences: Topic Registered Charity Non-Profit Organization Purposes must be established and operate exclusively for charitable purposes can operate for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure, sport, recreation, or any other purpose except profit...

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