Closing CRA program accounts: GST, Payroll, and Corporate Income Tax

When you decide to close your business and no longer need your business number (BN), you have to complete certain forms before the accounts can be closed.


Remit all Canada Pension Plan and Quebec Pension Plan contributions, employment insurance premiums, and income tax deductions to your tax center within seven days of the day your business ends. To find out which one is your tax center, go to Find a CRA address.

You also need to complete and file the T4 and T4A slips and summaries electronically or send them to the Jonquière Tax Centre within 30 days of the day your business ends.

For more information, go to Changing your business status.

Attach a note with your final return asking that the account be closed or complete Form RC145, Request to Close Business Number Program Accounts.


For more information, go to Open or manage an account – Close.

Corporate income tax

When you want to permanently dissolve your corporation, you should obtain a certificate of dissolution from any Alberta registry and send a copy to the CRA.

You will also need to file a final corporate tax return up to the date of dissoution even if there are no taxes payable.

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