GST Reporting Periods

GST registrants are required to calculate their net GST remittance or refund on a periodic basis – monthly, quarterly or annually, depending on sales volumes. Following each reporting period, a registrant must file a GST return and remit the net tax owing, orclaim a refund.

The reporting period is determined by the registrant’s “threshold amount” for a fiscal year or fiscal quarter. Detailed instructions on how to calculate these threshold amounts are included in paragraphs 35 through 40 of this memorandum.

  • Monthly – For registrants whose threshold amount for a fiscal year or fiscal quarter is greater than $6 million.
  • Quarterly – For registrants whose threshold amount for a fiscal year is $6 million or less.
  • Annually – Registrants whose threshold amount for a fiscal year does not exceed $500,000 may elect to file annually and pay quarterly installments.

At the time of registration, the Department will assign a reporting period based on the estimated annual taxable sales. The GST registrant can request an alternative reporting period by filing an election.

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