Not for Profit Organizations
United with a purpose Not-for-profits face a unique set of regulatory, financing, and tax challenges. Our advice and services include: -Financial statement preparation including: compilation, review, and audit services. -Tax return preparation and planning including GST and the Not-for-Profit and Charity tax returns as required in Canada. -We can assist your organization with tax planning to...
Public sector
Supporting Alberta's Communities, Serving Canadians Alberta's municipalities are required to submit annual audited financial statements to the Alberta Government, presenting a unique regulatory challenge. Across Alberta, we provide audit services to over 35 municipalities, including counties, towns, villages, and summer villages. Our comprehensive municipal services include: -Conducting annual audits in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standards...
Non-Profit vs Charity
If you are wondering what the differences are or if your non-profit organization should apply for charitable status, please review the chart below for all the differences: Topic Registered Charity Non-Profit Organization Purposes must be established and operate exclusively for charitable purposes can operate for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure, sport, recreation, or any other purpose except profit...